Beautiful means “full of beauty”. Beautiful is not about how you look on the outside. Beautiful is about what you’re made of. Beautiful people spend time discovering what their idea of beauty on this earth is. They know themselves well enough to know what they love. And they love themselves enough to fill up with a little of their particular kind of beauty each day.
Love Warrior – Glennon Doyle Melton
Description :
Just when Glennon Doyle Melton was beginning to feel she had it all figured out – three happy children, a doting spouse, and a writing career so successful that her first book catapulted to the top of the New York Times bestseller list – her husband revealed his infidelity and she was forced to realize that nothing was as it seemed.
A recovering alcoholic and bulimic, rock bottom was a familiar place to Glennon. In the midst of crisis, she knew to hold on to what she discovered in recovery: that her deepest pain has always held within it an invitation to a richer life. Love Warrior is the story of one marriage, but it is also the story of the healing that is possible for any of us when we refuse to settle for good enough and begin to face pain and love head-on.
This astonishing memoir reveals how internalizing our culture’s standards of masculinity and femininity can make it impossible for men and women to ever really know one another – and it captures the beauty that unfolds when one couple commits to unlearning everything they’ve been taught so that they can finally, after thirteen years of marriage, fall in love.
Résumé :
Au moment même où Glennon Doyle Melton commence à croire qu’elle a tout réussi – trois enfants heureux, treize ans de mariage auprès d’un époux aimant et une carrière si exceptionnelle que ses livres se hissent aux premières places des best-sellers du New York Times -, son mari lui avoue ses infidélités et l’oblige à faire face à une réalité nettement moins glamour.
Mais Glennon n’est pas femme à se laisser abattre. Confrontée dès son adolescence aux pires dépendances, drogue, alcool, boulimie, sexe facile, elle a déjà su se
relever quand elle avait appris qu’elle attendait son premier enfant. Mais cette trahison
ne va-t-elle pas tout remettre en cause ?
Rescapée de l’amour, c’est l’histoire d’un mariage, mais c’est aussi la preuve que la
guérison est accessible à tous ceux qui éprouvent les douleurs d’un amour déçu.
Apprendre à s’accepter, à s’aimer, reprendre goût à la vie sont les fils conducteurs de cet incroyable témoignage que l’auteur résume ainsi : «Si vous avez à choisir entre votre mariage et votre âme, vous devez choisir votre âme.»